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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Every four years...

The time is upon us again...election year. I know there are plenty of voting opportunities with local issues and candidates more often than the one we are approaching now but this one always carries so much more importance because we are not voting for a dog catcher, or a chief of local sanitation...we are voting for the next leader of the free world, our new President. The process that began two years ago is coming to a close and the two opponents are spending every waking moment stating the case as to why "they" should be "your" choice. Now, in case you missed the most important word in this blog entry up until this point I will repeat it and place it in bold print so there is no mistake..."choice". In this country most of us have the right to have our voices heard every four years with regards to who will be the head of our united family so to speak...and you simply cannot lessen the shear magnitude of the importance of that single action that each of us will take on Tuesday the 4th of November. Some people believe that the current President is a fine man with great intelligence and ethical fortitude who has followed the path that has best served each and every one of us and some of us watch SNL but regardless of that the end of next week we will have a new leader. I have my opinion...people that know me well enough know how strong that opinion is...but I will keep my "choice" on this election day to myself until I am in that booth. If I could possibly pass on any advice regarding this Tuesday...I would just say listen to the candidates, listen well, then listen to your heart and vote with your conscience knowing you may well be deciding the future of you and your children with the vote that you cast. As I have always said and firmly believe...if you can vote and you don't...then you lose your right to bitch about decisions and actions taken might have changed the direction with your vote and you blew it... Don't blow your chance...get out and vote this coming week. As far as who loses this election...there is always dog catcher or the sanitation department.

Until Next Time...

The Bonedriver


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